Motivation: 16 Ways to maintain your goal

You’ve probably heard that old saying, “The best way to start is to start.” Well, it’s true! When it comes to getting started on something new, the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll see results. So what’s keeping you from starting? Maybe you don’t know where to begin, or perhaps you’re feeling a little intimidated. Don’t worry – we’re here to help! This post will share some tips for getting started and staying motivated. Let’s get to it!

What is motivation?

Motivation is what drives us to do things. It’s what gets us out of bed in the morning and keeps us going when we’re feeling tired or discouraged. Of course, everyone has different motivators, but some common ones include wanting to achieve a goal, needing to feel fulfilled, or simply enjoying the challenge of something new.

How to start?

If you’re having trouble getting started, it can help to break your goal down into smaller steps. For example, if you want to start working out but are unsure where to begin, start by committing to working out for 20 minutes a day. Once you’ve made that a habit, you can gradually add more time or intensity to your workouts, it’s also essential to set yourself up for success by ensuring you have the necessary resources. If you’re going to walk, for instance, make sure you have a good pair of shoes and a safe place to walk. And if you’re starting a new diet, stock your kitchen with healthy foods, so you’re less likely to give in to temptation.

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How to stay motivated?

The best way to stay motivated is to find an activity you enjoy and make it part of your routine. For example, if you love listening to music while you work out, bring your headphones with you every time you go to the gym. Or, if cooking is your thing, try making breakfast or dinner each night instead of relying on takeout. It’s also important to keep your goals in mind and remind yourself of why you’re doing this in the first place. Then, when you feel like giving up, remember all the progress you’ve made and how good it will feel to reach your goal. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. Whether hiring a personal trainer or talking to a friend about your struggles, getting support from others can make a big difference.

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Why is motivation important?

Motivation is important because it helps us achieve our goals. It gives us the drive to keep going when we’re tired or faced with challenges. Motivation can also help us enjoy our hobbies and activities more since we do them purposefully. And finally, motivation helps us feel good about ourselves – when we see progress toward our goals, it can boost our self-confidence and make us proud of ourselves.

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How can I get motivated?

There are a few key things you can do to get motivated:

1. Set yourself up for success by breaking your goal into smaller steps.


  • If your goal is to start working out, begin by committing to walking for 20 minutes a day. Once you’ve made that a habit, you can gradually add more time or intensity to your workouts.
  • Make sure you have the resources you need. If you’re going to walk, for instance, make sure you have a good pair of shoes and a safe place to walk. And if you’re starting a new diet, stock your kitchen with healthy foods, so you’re less likely to give in to temptation.
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2. Find an activity you enjoy and make it part of your routine.


  • If you love listening to music while biking, bring your headphones with you on your rides.
  • If painting is your thing, try to create one small piece weekly.
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3. Keep your goals in mind

Remind yourself why you’re doing this in the first place. Then, when you feel like giving up, remember all your progress and how good it will feel to reach your goal.

Example to keep track of goals:

  • Keep a journal to document your progress and write down your goals. This will help you stay on track and motivated. You can also share your goals with friends or family members, so they can support you and hold you accountable.
  • Make weekly checkpoints to track your progress.
  • Reward yourself every time you achieve your weekly goals.
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4. Get support from others when you need it.

Getting help from others can make a big difference.


  • Whether it’s hiring a personal trainer
  • Talking to a friend about your struggles
  • Family is our biggest fan. Let them in
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5. Watch and read motivational stories or speeches.

Every once in a while, we could all use a motivating speech. You may keep your spirits up and find renewed encouragement to keep going by viewing videos of motivational moments. Listed below are just a few examples of widely available forms of motivational media:


  • Watch a TED talk or read an autobiography of someone you admire.
  • Many websites and magazines also offer articles with tips on how to stay motivated.
  • youtube
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6. Raise the stakes for yourself.

Make a bet with yourself or set up a competition with friends to see who can achieve their goal first. This can help you stay focused and motivated to reach your goal.

7. Simplify your life.

Sometimes, we can become overwhelmed by everything we have to do. This can make it hard to focus on our goals. To combat this, try simplifying your life.


  • If you’re trying to eat healthily, cut out processed foods and eat more whole foods.
  • If you’re trying to save money, stop buying unnecessary items and stick to a budget.

By simplifying your life, you can reduce stress and better focus on what’s truly important to you.

8. Take some caffeine.

A cup of coffee or tea can give you the extra boost you need to get going. Just be sure not to overdo it, as too much caffeine can lead to jitters and anxiety.

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9. Get up and move your body.

Physical activity can increase your energy and make you feel more alert. So if you’re feeling sluggish, try walking, doing some light stretching, or even standing up and moving around.

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10. Change your environment.

If you’re feeling stuck in a rut, sometimes all you need is a change of scenery.


  • Try working from a different location, such as a coffee shop or a park.
  • Take a break from your usual routine and try something new.

Sometimes, all it takes is a fresh perspective to jump-start your motivation.

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11. Take breaks when you need them.

Rest is just as important as exercise to maintain our health. Taking a break when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed can help you come back feeling refreshed and ready to take on your goals.

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12. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem.

Progress is progress, no matter how small. So celebrate every success, no matter how small it may seem. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.


  • If you’re trying to eat healthier, give yourself a gold star every time you make a healthy choice. Then, at the end of the week, see how many leads you’ve collected.
  • You can also give yourself a physical reward for reaching your goals. For instance, if you lose 5 pounds, treat yourself to a new outfit or a day at the spa.
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13. See failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Remember that failure is part of the journey to success. If you fall short of your goal, don’t give up. Instead, use it as a learning experience and try again.


  • Don’t beat yourself up if you’re trying to quit smoking and have a slip-up. Instead, try again the next day.

Every day is a new opportunity to reach your goals.

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14. Eat healthy foods.

What you eat has a significant impact on your energy levels and motivation. Eating unhealthy foods can leave you feeling sluggish and unmotivated while eating healthy foods can give you the energy you need to power through your day.


  • Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to keep your energy levels up.
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15. Get some sleep.

It’s hard to be motivated when you’re tired. So make sure you sleep well each night to be at your best during the day.

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16. Seek professional help if you need it.

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to get motivated. If this is the case for you, seek professional help. A therapist can help you identify the root cause of your problem and give you tools to overcome it.

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What are some things that de-motivate you?

There are a few things that can de-motivate us:

  • Feeling overwhelmed or like we’re not good enough.
  • Not seeing results after putting in a lot of effort.
  • Getting discouraged by setbacks or failures.
  • Letting negative self-talk get the best of us.
  • Comparing ourselves to others and feeling like we’re not measuring up.
  • Feeling like we don’t have control over our lives or our destiny.
  • Losing sight of our goals or forgetting what we’re working towards.
  • Allowing distractions to pull us away from what’s important.
  • Not taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, or emotionally.
  • Letting other people’s opinions or judgments affect how we feel about ourselves.

If you’re feeling de-motivated, taking a step back and assessing what might be causing these feelings is essential. Once you identify the source of your de-motivation, you can start to work on overcoming it. Remember, even on our lowest days. We always have the power to choose how we respond. We can let our circumstances control us or choose to stay focused on our goals and keep moving forward.
